The "Original" Old Guide’s Story, by Charles E. Merrill

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matteson of Malone have kindly made available their collection of newspaper clippings consisting of the text, in serial form as it was originally published by the Malone Evening Telegram in the early 1930s. However, of the 102 original chapters (edited down to 43 in the version published by Fay Welch), there are some missing chapters, including the first 18, as well as a few later on.

Because I’m under some time restraints and eventually need to return their property, I’m going to begin with chapter 19 and work my way through. As time and money permit, I’ll have to somehow obtain the missing material and transcribe it, although due to the as yet undetermined quality of the medium I’ll be working from (probably microfilm or microfiche), this process will most likely be problematic as well as time-consuming.

This page will serve as the “contents” with links to the individual chapters.

Here is seen Guide Merrill fishing at Owlyout Rapids near the spot where his father, Darius, died. his father ruptured a blood vessel while lifting a horse from the mire, and died before help could be brought.

“In the first chapter of his reminiscences, Mr. Merrill told how, in 1820, his grandfather, with other families, migrated from New Hampshire into New York State and settled near Chateaugay Lake. A picturesque picture he drew of the journey, “Grandfather Paul leading with old Bright and buck yoked to the heavy wagon, Hannah perched in the back end, with baby Cyrus almost lost to view among the household goods.” It was in the new home that Darius, father of the author, was born.”

Malone Evening Telegram, 26 August, 1930

Chapter 19–Searchers Discover Darius Unconscious and Freezing–Exposure Causes Illness
Chapter 20–Pioneers Turn Home Into ‘Pill Factory,’–Remedies Help To Meet Expenses

Chapter 21–Old Guide Tells How Fields Were Cleared and Stone ‘Fences’ Were Built
Chapter 22–Young Giants Delight in Showing Their Strength at Barn Raising and Bee
Chapter 23–Darius Starts Teaching School, But Rowdy Gang Causes Him Some Worry

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