Wolves in the Adirondacks, by "Uncle Dick" Shutts

R. M. Shutts, a veteran guide and hotel keeper at Upper Chateaugay Lake, sends the following communication to the Plattsburgh Republican: I enclose [a] clipping* from the May number of Field and Stream in regard to Adirondack wolves. Figures won't lie, but greenhorns will. When the average hunter--at the present day--sees a leaf move in … Continue reading Wolves in the Adirondacks, by "Uncle Dick" Shutts

"Sea Serpent" in Chateaugay Lake

Chateaugay Record, Week of September 9, 1890 The East Bellmont (Brainardsville) correspondent writes as follows of a “sea serpent” said to have made its appearance in the waters of Chateaugay Lake: Horatio—“O day and night but this is wondrous strange!” Hamlet—“And therefore as a stranger give it welcome. There are more things in heaven and … Continue reading "Sea Serpent" in Chateaugay Lake